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Re: [JDEV] existing protocol questions

>	Why are errors reported in a <message> instead of an <error>? It
>would seem more logical to me, again, I'm missing something, yes?

  It should be reported as a <message type='error'>.  All 'conversations' are contained within messages, with different message 'types' designating what they are..  This way, a client can catch message attributes and do different things with them, but for unsupported attributes, they get passed to the user as a standard message, which is also why they are in plaintext..

>	How does the message extension work? What is its intended usage?

  You mean the <ext></ext> ?  Can be used for anything one deems fit.  I could actually send you a raw text file, contained within the ext tags..  The server/transports won't touch it, and will just pass it along.  It's a way to piggyback any data someone may want to pass along with a jabber packet without having to make ANYTHING aware of it..  Heck, eventually someone will probrably make a checkers game by passing move data between clients via the ext tag..
Thomas Charron


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